Materials-Graphics, motion sequence, sound…

Movie is mainly composed of graphic, sound, speech etc.
If someone watch movie without any component, You may get awkward vibes from movie.
If it is balanced perfect, you will concentration in watching movie.
Producer worried how to direct movies in order to move heart of people. And they researched many image directive technique.
Image direction cost was a big part of budget.
Sometimes some movies which use good image direction are stamped on people’s memory. Even if that movie is terrible story.
In the internet, there are many sites which provide resources. You can get free or pay resources. And you can use this materials your movies.
But you must worry about copyright. If you don’t pay attention copyright, you may be subject to legal sanctions. Some people doesn’t like to be tied copyright. If you so, you make material source oneself.
If you make product, you need to many materials and motion sequence, sound etc.
If You know for sure theme of work, you should reference of suited to materials and motion sequence, sound etc.
If you reference, You can make various and good masterpiece.